Thursday, 29 December 2011

Cemetry Gates

I remember the first book I tried to read when I was little (because I had to, of course, I've always been shallow). It was Papelucho something and I just couldn't finish it. I don't even remember what it was about, I only remember how difficult it was for me to finish it because I couldn't be quiet for too long back then... I didn't finish it, actually.

I also remember when I once tried to read a book on the bus for the first time. It was impossible for me because I couldn't hold it still, so I couldn't read anything at all. I thought reading on the bus would be impossible for me and I would never be able to do it; however, it wasn't, and at some point in my life I mastered the art of 'bus reading' and since then I just couldn't stop.

When I lived in Maipu and went to school in Providencia I used my time on the bus reading the books I had been assigned for school. I remember reading Brave New World by Huxley on the bus and the smell of lavander I once felt when reading it... I think it was Le Sancy soap, not real lavender, but anyway, whenever I feel that smell I remember that book, which is one of my favourite books, by the way.

I also like Orwell's books, such as Animal Farm and 1984, they're two of my favourite books, actually, and he's one of my favourite authors... I bought Homage to Catalonia some time ago, but I haven't been able to read it yet :/

Of course there are other books I like, although I find it very difficult to read these days (mostly because I'm tired all the time). For example, I really like The Catcher in the Rye and The Trial, among others. If you ask me, the first book I really liked because I thought I had found myself in it (when I thought I was oh so special) is Demian, by Hesse. I love that book, though I haven't read it again ever since. Still, I think that book is responsible for making me the person I am now... or I was, at some point in my teens until I became really shallow and started to read LUN and my brain fossilized.

Anyway, as you probably realised, today you have to write about books. How do you feel about them? I guess you like them because you chose this topic, so write on!

If you don't know how to start you could mention things like:

- Why do/don't you like books?
- What's your favourite book?
- What's the first book you read?
- Who's your fave author?
- What type of books do you enjoy most?
- Etc.
  • You have to write about 120-150 words
  • Include an IMAGE or VIDEO, please.
  • Leave comments in 3 of your classmates entries
Here's a video of a song by The Cure inspired by The Stranger by Camus, another book I really like:

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Down In Albion

When I was 16 all I wanted in my whole life was to learn English, go to England and work there doing the dishes at some bar or restaurant. Seriously, with my friend Veronica we used to daydream about this (well, I'm not sure she daydreamed about the 'washing the dishes' part, because she's never liked doing dishes in the first place, but she certainly dreamt about being there with me).

We were so silly, really, because we had this strange idea that life there would be different and funnier than life here (as if there was no Sunday in England or something) and that we would meet Damon Albarn, Graham Coxon, and Thom Yorke so easily just because we were Chilean, hence, exotic (yeah, right) and we would have their thousand babies and all.

Well, our original plan didn't really include the washing the dishes bit as part of our goal, really. What we wanted to achieve once there was higher education and stuff. We wanted to study film making and become film directors and make movies and meet Ewan McGregor and have his babies also (OK. We didn't really want to have their babies, but we wouldn't have minded...) I know we were kind of desperate back then, but that's one of the things that can happen when you study at a girls school... among other things I'm not going to discuss here. :P

For us, England was a dream. We were young and shallow (the latter I still am, though), we didn't care about imperialism, we thought our lives would change if we spoke English, we wanted to go to England and visit all those places we'd heard about...

I think we were stupid, really, but one is allowed to be stupid when she's in her teens, I think... so I don't feel embarrassed about it at all.

Now, what you have to do today is tell us what country you'd like to visit. In your post, include the following:

- Which country would you like to go to? Why?
- What do you know about it?
- What would you like to do there?
- Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain.

Remember to:
- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts
- Word Count: 150 - 180 words

Ask me if you have any queries!!

Friday, 16 December 2011

Leave Me Alone!

This term is a weird one... usually it begins earlier and lasts longer... For me as a student it is a short term also, but we began classes a lot earlier than you did so we're finishing in January, unlike you are. 

When my term began I had lots of expectations. I thought the strike wouldn't just end, so I took 4 courses at my Master's, thinking I'd have plenty of time to study and all working only at one place. I had more time than I used to, but then everything changed, the strike ended and the term began. Then, my life became chaotic... It's sad nothing happened in the end... I hate it when that happens, strikes ending and nothing gained...

Going back to my studies I can say I'm rather pleased... Even when I've had lots to do both at university and my two jobs, the Master's been great and I've been able to do all the things I've been asked to do. I've had lots to read and write (I should be writing an essay as we speak, but I'm finding it difficult to concentrate) but I like what I'm studying, even when the subjects are similar to the ones I'd already taken when I was an undergraduate student myself. I actually like that... it's been great to refresh my knowledge, because, honestly, I'd forgotten most of those contents by the time I was back at the university...

Now, it's weird to be studying during Christmas and summer and stuff, but I don't really care about it. Usually, in the summer, I get bored to death, so it's kind of good having things to do these boring days... I hate the heat, though, but what can one do about it? Not wear a tie to work?

Enough about me! I want to read what you have to say about this term, so please, follow the instructions here:

In this blog entry you must write about this term. Include:

- Your expectations for this new term
- The subjects you are taking
- How you feel studying in summer/christmas time.
- Others

* Number of words: 120 minimum
* Leave comments on 3 of your classmates posts.